Welcome to Ron Romanosky Photography…
~Last updated Feb 26, 2004
This site consists of over three hundred selected images in at least fourteen categories. This selection reflects the best of a wide range of subjects which I’ve chosen to photograph and offer for personal, commercial and editorial usage through my online store.

The ocean’s waves and shapes, along with those who ride them (or would attempt to) are my favorite subjects. I am especially focused on capturing what I like to call “Nature’s Performance Art,” at California’s Wedge, a sometimes extrordinary showplace of wave action. The Wedge segment of the site represents but a small fraction of such images I’ve photographed and archived over the years.
Please note that some unspecified images in all categories, though available for purchase, are intended more for the purpose of reference rather than sale.
And… for the individual looking for the highest quality, best performing custom Kneeboard currently available, I believe you’ve logged onto a very credible site. I’ve kneeboarded for over thirty years and have designed and shaped them for as long. For more about Kneeboards, please refer to the kneeboarding section.
Thank you for visiting.
-Ron Romanosky

‘Tendrils’ – the Wedge, Newport Beach, Ca

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